Venejoen Piilo
Romppalantie 4
81160 Kontiolahti
Tel. +358(0)41 318 1845
VAT number FI32012241

How to get here?
Easiest way to get to Piilo is by car, motorcycle or even with bike.
- by car
- rent a car
- taxi
- Kolin taksipalvelu Oy
020 741 4391 - ridesharing
- bus Savonlinja Oy
Joensuu – Kontiolahti – Venejoki monday-friday
Joensuu bus station 16:15
Kontiolahti 16:45
Venejoki about 17:02
Joensuu bus station 18:10
Kontiolahti 18:40
Venejoki about 18:55
Venejoki – Kontiolahti – Joensuu monday-friday
Venejoki about 06:41
Kontiolahti 07:10
Joensuu bus station 07:40
Venejoki about 16:05
Kontiolahti 16:20
Joensuu bus station 16:50
Up-to-date schedule information from the Matkahuolto -website
Venejoen Piilo
It’s easy to get to Piilo from both the direction of Joensuu and Koli,
just a small turn towards Höytiäinen from the the road 6.
- Beach 2.5 km
- Koli National Park 30 km
- Herajärvi circuit (Eteläpää) 18 km
- Kolvananuuro gorge valley (Matovaara parking) 25 km
- Biathlon stadium 23 km
- S- and K-Market Kontiolahti 17 km
- Kolinportti gas station, Sale and pharmacy 26km
- Joensuu 38 km